Version updated 20/12/2021
4front Driving School COVID19 Policy
Unfortunately we are now living in a world with COVID 19 and we are having to find a way to move forward - living and working with it, as it is not going to go away for the foreseeable future. Therefore we need to stay alert and help prevent the spread of the disease. To do this 4front Driving School have put measures in place to reduce the risk.
4front Driving School COVID 19 policy for students and Instructors
To create a safe hygienic learning environment we have formed a coherent policy based on the government business COVID19 guidance.
General Hygiene for students and Instructors
You must sanitise your hands by using the sanitisers available in the door wells when entering the vehicle.
-We will provide hand sanitiser or you can bring your own.
-If you cough or sneeze into your hand you must pull over when it is safe to do so and sanitise your hands and controls.
-To avoid this - always try to cough or sneeze into your sleeve or try to clear your throat with your mouth closed.
-The car will be sanitised between lessons to reduce the risk of spreading on hard and soft surfaces that you come in contact with.
We ask you to bring a facemask which is no longer mandatory and is an agreement between you and your instructor to wear it.
If you have any cold like symptoms you must wear a facemask and it must be warn properly when in the vehicle covering your mouth and nose.
Students must provide their own facemasks and be responsible for bringing their own PPE with them to their lessons,
Disposable facemasks can be used but must be clean / new
Washable facemasks must be clean
Avoiding unnecessary contact between the student and the instructor - this includes hand shakes.
Other basic rules to avoid the spread of COVID19 and other germs:
Wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating.
If you cough/sneeze into your hands - sanitise immediately if it is safe to do so ( or follow the 20-second hand-washing rule if you are at home).
Cough/sneeze into your sleeve, preferably into your elbow. If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitise your hands immediately.
Open the windows to ensure open ventilation when necessary and ensure that the fan is set to bring air in from outside the vehicle and not circulate .
Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected.
If you display any symptoms of COVID19 then you must inform your instructor before your lesson so that the lesson is rescheduled. If you are late informing us of COVID symptoms and it is less than 48 hours notice then this will fall in line with our terms and conditions as late notice and you will be liable for the fee of the lesson.
Please follow the latest government guidelines and get a PCR test if you have symptoms of coronavirus, self-isolate until you can confirm you are clear and symptom free or no longer need to self isolate.
If you have been in close contact with or live with anyone who has Covid 19 or has been displaying signs then you should not attend your driving lesson.
Again follow the Government guidelines.
If you have symptoms or are unwell with any infectious, transmittable or infectious illness DO NOT ATTEND YOUR LESSON.
Your germs are easily transmitted so to prevent any transfer of infections we ask you do not attend your lesson however the 48 hour cancellation policy still applies as in the main terms and conditions. Please be aware that if you pass on an infection and your instructor is ill then lessons will be cancelled untill he/she is well.
If you are self isolating, have a new continuous cough, loss of taste or smell and / or high temperature please do not attend training. Contact us as soon as possible to avoid unneccessary travel or contact.
We thank you for your support during these difficult times. Stay safe.
Contacting us
If at any time you have any questions about this Policy, or the practices of this Site please contact us at
4front Driving School,
305 Park Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2HF
I understand the risks of taking part in a driving lesson associated with COVID 19.
I understand that I will need to Sanitise my hands when entering and before exiting the vehicle.
I understand that I will need to provide my own, clean face mask or covering to take part in my driving lesson and wear it properly if needed.
I understand that I must not take part in my driving lesson if I am showing any of the signs of COVID 19 or any other illness that may be transferable or affect my ability to drive safely.
I understand that I must not take part my driving lesson if I have been near or around anyone that has COVID 19 as there is also a risk of transfer.
I understand that I will need to be responsible for my own hygiene regime to reduce the risk of transferring germs including COVID19.
I understand that being in a car with another person means that the risk of transferring COVID 19 can only be reduced not prevented and that I must comply to the requirements listed in this policy.
I understand that I must inform my instructor as soon as I am aware of any COVID 19 symptoms so that I do not risk the spread by attending the lesson and if I cancel the lessons at late notice then I am liable for the lesson fee.
I understand the risk of taking part in a driving lesson if I have any underlying health conditions that may be affected by contracting COVID 19 and I will take full responsibility and risk for my decision to take part in lessons.
I understand the risk of taking part in a driving lesson if I live with anyone who has any underlying health conditions that may be affected by contracting COVID 19 and I will take full responsibility for my decision to take part in lessons.
I have read and understood and agree to follow 4front Driving School's COVID 19 policy.
Please SIGN the disclaimer below